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Trump – A Reappraisal

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Hymie | 08:48 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
9 Answers

Many might think Trump an ignoramus (me included) – but if you listen to this youtube video you will discover that he is very knowledgeable; and if you listen to the end, he’s a very modest person (it’s true).


No wonder 70 odd million are going to vote for him.





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he must have some brains: he made a billion bucks didnt he ? - float from Dad of $100m

and even the wisest of the wise on AB hasnt done that !

oh Gulls will allow this: has anyone been Bank of mum and dad and seen the lu lu thrown away?

Sorry, for a moment I thought you said he was modest.

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Hopkirk – you didn’t listen until the end.

I didn't listen from the beginning. The man doesn't deserve any of my time.

Must be true then.

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It is to the MAGA morons.

Hymie. Trump speaking on your video, reminds me so much of one of the regular posters on AB. Who has posted 14 times out of the last 20 threads on the news section.

Gulliver. He's off the booze now, so there's no stopping him. And he's rich and never seems to work.

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Is that the regular AB poster that gully is referring to, or Trump?

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Trump – A Reappraisal

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