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Leaky Window

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barry1010 | 09:41 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
7 Answers

Had huge rain and hail storm yesterday, the gutter was overflowing so it was hitting the small window above my large window like a waterfall.

A very small leak, just a trickle from the smaller pane. Is it worth worrying about at this point? 

I know my gutters are clear and normally they cope with the rain.



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We had overflowing gutters yesterday - no sign of water getting in (yet) though. It was exceptional.

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I like to keep on top of maintenance but hoping I can leave it for a while

I agree with you on keeping on top of maintenance, barry but if the rain you had where you live was anything like one particular cloudburst we had in Reading I think I'd put it down to a one-off and look again next time it rains.

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Thanks, bhg.  

If it's a uPVC window Barry, there should be no leak, but if it's a traditional timber one, then I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

Guttering clear, but more importantly, check for obstructions in the downpipes. It's more likely.

If this keeps happening, consider replacing with any of the 'deepflow' types on the market. Thay can handle huge volumes of water. Same downpipes, so just a direct swap.

This shows the difference clearly:


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Thanks all.  They are double glazed uPVC.

Good suggestion about the downpipe 

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