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Charismatic People

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naomi24 | 00:03 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

I caught a little of Graham Norton's show tonight with guest Hugh Grant.  That man really is Bridget Jones's Daniel Cleaver - handsome, suave, debonair - all of that.  Charisma.  Something that can't be taught or acquired - so who in your opinion, among the many famous faces, really has charisma?



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I should have said 'has or had' - gone but not forgottens welcome.  I'll add David Niven into the mix.

Barak Obama is pretty cool!

JFK had that certain but undefined quality.

agree vulcan JFK

Bo Jo had charisma - oh and trump - getting people to vote for him against their interests and in ( B  or T's) his own.

dont go for charisma - disaster lies ahead.


Rufus Sewell for me.

Danny Jones

Harry Secombe

Bob Hope

Francis Rossi

Barbara Windsor

Victoria Wood

Dillie Keane

For me it was Frankie Vaughan.  Still sadly missed.

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