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Car Won't Start, But Rac Can't Find Anything Wrong

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Treacle71 | 19:12 Fri 29th Nov 2024 | Motoring
86 Answers

When I turn the engine on, it starts, then cuts out. This happens each time. RAC said he can't find anything wrong and I'll need to take it to a garage 🤷. I asked him if he thought it was worth it, but he said it's up to me if I want to spend money on a 17 yo old car. It'd need to be towed there.

I just wondered what anyone thought? I'm thinking of scrapping it.



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scrap it - not worth the hassle...
09:57 Sat 30th Nov 2024

Cross posted Dave.

there's a dead horse here - pass me my whip🤣

Getting it to Kwik-fit...easy. Tow it there with the two-year old car bought several weeks ago!

It's now illegal to tow a car with a rope - needs proper gear.

Kwik Fit is good for tyres, MoT, service, brakes and batteries.  They are not a car repair garage.

Since when has it been illegal to tow a car with a rope? I haven't heard of that 

// you can use a rope or chain, though as the RAC notes, the distance between the cars can't exceed 4.5 metres. If the distance is greater than 1.5 metres, the rope or chain must be made clearly visible to road users from both sides - for instance, by tying a bright piece of fabric around the middle.//

my bad😡

recovery services won't use a flexible tow

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I'll see if RAC can tow it. 

Why won't you consider a mobile mechanic?

Thanks for the laugh everyone.  I was going to say you couldn't make this up.  But I'd be wrong.


ladybirder...what are you suggesting? That this thread isn't about a French fancy...more fanciful?

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Cos the Kwik Fit mechanic didn't charge me last time and I'm not flush.

With the greatest of respect if you are not flush then why are you running 2 cars with the insurance, vehicle tax and repairs?


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I'll see what Kwik Fit says 🙏

So what did Kwik-Fit say?

I imagine it went along the lines of 'we don't do that kind of thing'.

I just wonder if they cried, even a little, when our heroine left.

I don't understand why the OP is holding onto the old vehicle! 
she was advised to transfer the insurance from old to new and they maybe an admin charge.

just on this thread she has inferred that she is still paying road tax, insurance, breakdown, fuel and now possibly a mechanic on a vehicle that's is worth somewhere between £0 and £800!

Now you're just nit-picking. 🤣

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