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Scratches in paintwork

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sammd | 20:41 Fri 10th Mar 2006 | Motoring
5 Answers
I have a couple of scratches on my doors (where people have opened their car doors onto mine, grr). One is quite deep. I've heard you can find professional companies who come round and touch up the paint. Would a touch up job look alright?


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if its deep then a touch up would be good to stop it rusting, or u can buy touch up kits from main dealers. but i would'nt advise paying someone to do it cos i'm sure it wont look spot on. there is a good test run your nail over (not along) the scratch and if u can feel it then it needs dealing with somehow else. if you cant feel it buy some rubbing compound (halfords, or motor factors or something like that) and polish it out yourself for a lot cheaper than someone else will try and charge. and you will still have the rest to use in future.

There is a company called The Plastic Surgeons, they are a national company who come to your house to do the repairs ive heard they are very good.

Sammd - all depends on how old your car is and how much you want to spend, along with how serious the damage is. If its a new-ish car and you want it back to new, but don't want to pay bodyshop prices, then the mobile repairers are the answer.

Not sure if the first answer is really aware of how things have moved on recently - forget botched DIY jobs, click on this link to dentmaster, they can come to you at home or work. I have used them on a number of occasions for my cars - same as you, inconsiderate fools car-dooring me! I can highly recommend them - they can get ride of some sizeable dents & scrathches.

Hi Samm,

Jsut read your post again and realised Dentmaster might not be the best, if the surface of your paint is damaged, they deal mre with indents in panels, but not paint surface breakage.

Another company I have used is Chipsaway - they do a similar thing, but their service includes painting. Again, they are a mobile national operator.

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Scratches in paintwork

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