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Dubai | 18:16 Wed 05th Apr 2006 | Motoring
2 Answers
In Jan 06, my Ford Puma (51) failed to start. Fords have had the car and changed the relays. I have the car back but every 2/3 weeks the car has been a non start and Fords have had the car back. Today, it wouldn't start (this is now the 5th time) and the car has been towed to the garage. They have had the diagnostic computer on the car but no fault is register. Can you advise


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This is a problem on modern cars, They plug their diagnostic in to the car and if no fault shows up they cannot fix it.

I have a 2002 Laguna and that is the same but I can get help on the Renault Forum.

You could see if the people on this forum could help you...........

Good luck with it.

Hi. I would consult your local Trading Standards Dept without delay.

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