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Ford fiesta H reg Automatic

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miniegg | 11:03 Wed 24th May 2006 | Motoring
3 Answers

this car has a few problems ie:

it cuts out when slowing down !

seems to rev like b*****ks until its on an open road and speed is up to 50

Can anyone help, i am informed that the gear box is called a band ?!?!



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Oh dear... as I recall at around that period Ford used the CVT gearbox developed in the sixties by DAF, later bought by Volvo.

CVT stands for Constantly Variable Transmission and comprised two sets of cones which were connected by rubber belts (later steel bands). As one set of cones move apart to make a small pulley, so the others moved closer to make a large pulley.

It had its advantages because the power was being applied constantly, with no energy wasted on 'changing gears' but it was very idiosyncratic, and not many people knew how to fix them.

Don't know how much that helps you, but that's the story.m

Whatever type of gearbox it has it will usually have a connection from the accelerator pedal to the gearbox so that it ''knows'' how far you are pressing the pedal down to calculate what the gear ratio should be, this problem on yours sounds like there is something wrong with the setting or connection and the gearbox thinks you are always pushing the accelerator hard down to the maximum and so its keeps the low gears (high revs) as long as possible.

get somebody to check out the adjustment of the connection, it is often either a cable linkage or a rod linkage to the gearbox.

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Ford fiesta H reg Automatic

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