Last night I got flashed by a Box Junction Camera in London, but am unsure weather to appeal when my fine arrives as I feel totally innocent of this offence. This is because when I entered the box junction the exit was clear for me to proceed ( space for one car). As soon as I entered, a car in the right hand lane that was stuck behind a right turner cut in front of me and jumped into the space I was headed. Lights changed to red and then I got flashed! If and when a fine comes do I pay then appeal or appeal straight away? Or maybe am I over reacting was the camera flashing the right turner... if it was there still. Thanks Chris
Your version of events will not have been understood by the camera. The case may be dropped as soon as a person has seen what happened. If you do receive a notice, write a full description of the incident to the address on the notice, and asking for the notice to be withdrawn.
It might be a bit of mistaken flashing - it may have flashed at someone else and you were concerned it may be you. Flashesd usually take place when something goes through a sensor once the light has turned red. If you had already gone through it won't be flashing you, someone might have gone through on the other side of the junction that you were unaware of ?