courier work in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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courier work

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adsathome | 09:51 Sat 23rd Sep 2006 | Motoring
2 Answers
Has anyone heard of drive4money.co.uk?there offering a manual for about �50 to get people into a more interesting type of courier work, and more financially rewarding,but I don't like sending money to any one over the net,and I'm very sceptical
Mike Adams


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There are a number of similar companies / individuals who offer manuals for about �40 - �50 telling you how to start a courier business.
Many have been advertising these manuals on a daily basis for years.
Each will claim that you could make �250 - �450 per day.

Just like any business you start you COULD become successful, but the chances are really slim.
There's certainly no shortage of couriers in the UK. However, many of them are crying poverty because there is not enough work to go round and some of them are desperate for work and will accept jobs at very low rates.

Generally those people offering manuals for sale are making more money than many of the couriers.
give me �40 and i will give you more helpful information than they ever will!!!

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