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blue badge entitlement

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tali122 | 22:21 Thu 12th Oct 2006 | How it Works
14 Answers
a friend of mine has various ailments , diabetes, asthma, long term depression, potential glaucoma - but they can walk perfectly well are they entitled to a car disability blue badge?


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Potential glaucoma and they are still driving!!?
Some councils are tightening up the rules and referring applicants to a medical advisor independent of their own GP to reduce abuse of the Scheme.
If walking brings on an asthma attack then maybe a Blue Badge will be granted.
For your information, and dig, Postdog, you do not even need a driving licence or a car to get a disabled badge.
Very true Toureman, but the badgeholder must be present when the badge is being used.
Use by any other person could result in it being withdrawn.
most councils give out the blue badge based upon your ability to alk. For example, if you had angina that came on when you walked for more than a few yards and prevented you walking further then you would qualify. However, if you had a problem with your leg but you could still walk 200 yards you wouldnt qualify
My daughter has a blue badge, and she can walk perfectly well, but due to the nature of her disability, she's got it so that she can be kept off the roads, no awareness of the danger of traffic.

So there are different criteria for each case, but in your friends case tali, as has been said, No, but there's no harm in trying.
Despite it being seen as something that is easy to get, a Blue Badge is not just granted willy nilly.

To get one you have to be receiving the higher rate Mobility Allowance and a practising doctor has to put your case for you.

I know someone who has one and it took some time to get. They also have to be renewed every few years.

As someone has said, they are not based solely on the ability to walk. Many people have heart conditions etc, which affects their ability to get about..

Before those who bemoan people having them, put yourselves in the shoes of the person who is disabled.

As for the people who misuse them, they should have them confiscated.

Of course all those who moan about them never park on double yellow lines, always insist on paying VAT.....................
dunno where you live, but i have had badges from oxfordshire, berkshire and buckinghamshire and i ve never had higher rate mobility dla
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this is the confusion -the form iirc clearly suggests an inability to walk but the answers here and from people i know state "dont matter if they can walk " and the last answer further muddies the water!
You may qualify for a badge if you:

are receiving the higher rate of the Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance

are receiving a War Pensioner�s Mobility Supplement

use a motor vehicle supplied by a government health department

are a registered blind person

have severe disability in both upper limbs, drive a motor vehicle regularly but cannot turn the steering wheel by hand even if that wheel is fitted with a turning knob

have a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking
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details of the current conditions for Blue Badge eligibibility and future reforms see the FAQ section of
The Medical assessors are going to be the physios & osteos on remits to ignore long term conditions the NHS can't cure treated by lay persons in the community. They are fraudulently maladministrating social services assessment so all those in discretionary areas have no assistance . This will hasten the demise of many having tampered with the online Medical Record refusing to correct..

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blue badge entitlement

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