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Renault Megane Scenic Stereo

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roymarsh | 14:26 Mon 13th Nov 2006 | Motoring
5 Answers
Hi - I`ve recently bought a 2nd hand Renault Megane Scenic Alize and I cannot work out how to input the code for the stereo - I`ve tried all configuration of buttons but only end up getting further muddled up - can anyone help?


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Refer to the manual for the radio or contact a Renault dealer for instructions.

Do not continue trying to input the code as a lot of radio/cassettes and cd players will lock you out permanently if you exceed the number of tries.If this should happen the radio will have to be recoded
Cost if you go to Renaults, try the forum.
Turn the set on to get the four dashes up. Use the roller on the back of the "hands free" controls near the steering wheel to get the first number up. Press the button on the underside of the "hands free" briefly to enter that digit.
Repeat for numbers 2 and 3
After scolling up the last number, with the code displayed on the screen instead of briefly pushing the underside button you hold it to enter the code.
dead right Furry
Question Author
Thankyou very much Furry - just went outside and tried it and guess what ! Bliss now I can get back to Moyles and co. Cheers - Roy

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Renault Megane Scenic Stereo

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