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SCOTS_FLLIC | 13:59 Fri 17th Nov 2006 | Motoring
11 Answers
Following on from my previous question about being clocked at 88 mph on the motorway....

I have received the conditional offer of �60 fine and 3 points. My question is: Do I just pay this or do I wait until it goes to court (Whats the penalty involved in court action?)

Thanks in advance


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Just pay it! Go to court and you will get costs added.
why would you want to go to court, thats only if you want to plead not guilty,then if they find you guilty,which they most probably will if they have photo or video evidence,then you will get fined more,plus costs etc.
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I've read alot on here that people have ignored the conditional offer and 1 year later they have heard nothing more about it. I was just curious...

cut & run.

Pay it.
Have you seen the evidence against you?
The maximum fine a court can impose is �2500, with between 3 and 6 points.
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hallj1: nope i havent seen the evidence...

Suppose �60 is better than �2500 tho! (unless you can walk out with no points or fine)
In most cases you will only be shown the evidence at court, it is to late then!
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My mum got done for speeding over a year ago, its taken this long to come to court. The judge said it was ridiculous, gave her 3 points but no fines and no court payments. Pay it and save yourself the hassle :)
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Had a look at that site, very informative - thanks!

Does anyone know how long its takes to return your licence after the points have been added?

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