Know this is a funny question but how do airbags work? A member of my family has recently been in a bad car crash and had to be taken to hospital. Something was mentioned about the air bags that i didnt understand, they said they inflate at 200 mph and can bruise you and also contain chemicals which can be dangerous. Can anyone give me any clarification please? Cheers
They are like a small explosion in front of you and do cause burns and bruising, but the idea is that is preferable to the alternative.
It is wise to position your seat as far back as is comfortable while having full control.
It worries me when I see people sitting close to the wheel , or even leaning forward wth elbows bent. They are likely to be badly injured by the airbag, or worse still connect with the dashboard and wheel before the bag can do its job.
The chemicals involved are the gas used to inflate the airbag ( don't know what it is, but is probably not as lethal as hitting the steering whell with your head ) and a sort of
" talcum powder " that is packed with the airbag to keep it supple and stop it deterioating with age.
Don't know if it's still true, but when air bags first came out in the UK, the sound of one being activated was supposed to be similar to a shot gun going off right next to you. So if the 'bump' hadn't done you any harm, the shock of hearing the air bag probably would!
Also don't know if it is still true, but at one time American cars had bigger air bags. This was because US residents didn't have to wear seat belts, so needed greater protection from airbags.
Trouble was if you were swerving when the bag went off and were therefore leaning against the door, it would sometimes burst open and the bag would eject you from the car like a bullet.