Hi, They are usual pretty easy to do. You have not told what type they are at the back, So if they are disc pads. What you do is there are to pins at the back of the callaper, one at the and one at the bottom. Untighten the bottom one first, then undo the top one. Put a screwdriver or a flat metal bar between the pad and the disc to push the pistons back in so the pads are loose. take out the top pins out from the callaper making sure the bottom one is loose enough so the callaper can swing down with plenty of room to get your pads out. Once you haveto pads out make sure yor pistons are right back in the callaper, put your new pads in and then push the callaper back up and put the top pin back in. And screw it all up again, Then push your foot on the brake pedal to test the pads are holding the disc from moving forward or backwards. Then do the other side the same, once you have done it. When driving don't slam the brake on to hard for the first 100 miles or you will have squeek brakes on the back and it will drive you mad.
Good luck!!