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Renault problems

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dilligaf | 18:36 Sat 03rd Feb 2007 | Motoring
7 Answers
Looking through these pages I often wonder if "Toureman" has a vested interest in


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he owns renault
He posts an awful lot on here.
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Inclined to agree with you steve2010 but join this forum to find out .

Come on Toureman. Where are you? Put us out of our misery.
No vested interest what so ever.

It is a Renault forum that I joined when I bought my Renault, I own A Renault not Renault, though I wish I did.

Days after joining I saved at least �500 pounds by finding out how to repair and service my renault.

After looking at the guesses and bad advice in this topic given by people who think they know about cars I just point renault owners to where they will get the answers they need.

The renault Forums have over 10000 members.
I think I will post again, if you have a Renault join....
No vested interest... except whatever you earn/win for referring punters to the forum.
You don,t earn or win anything kempie even though one member, not me, has referred about 40 new members, my take up from the anserbank is about 2% of my links.

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