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tarmac splashes

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pomsta | 20:55 Thu 08th Feb 2007 | Motoring
6 Answers
when l went to wash the car the other day, i noticed some splashes of tar/bitumen on the bumpers and the sills.......... does anybody know how l can remove these???????? thanks in advance


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Bitumen has a White Spirit base so White Spirit of parafin will remove it. Remember to was this off with soapy water afterwards.
most motorists shop sell tar remover in liquid form
I`d defo go with a tar an glue remover as suggested by norm, if your cars had any previous paintwork it might just start to remove it if you use white spirits etc:(
Free underseal. Leave it on?
Get this all the time as I work in roadworks. Easiest thing to use is Petrol or Diesel on a rag, then wash off with detergent etc.....oh, and make sure you don't have a fag on while your cleaning!
t cut will remove all theese marks no problem

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