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spark plugs / lead

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badgerchops | 13:03 Mon 05th Mar 2007 | Motoring
5 Answers
My car was misfiring and going on three cylinders apparantly. got it fixed today. I was charged �98 for it. i reckon it was an excessive amount for replacement spark plugs and a lead.

what do you reckon?


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Plus labour. Thats the expensive bit.
It depends on the type of car and the number of spark plugs. e.g a four cylinder twin spark Alfa has eight spark plugs and on some cars they arnt so easy to access. It always pays to shop around and get a few prices first.
Plugs for my Honda Type-R are �80 a set!!!

If you took the car to a main dealer, �98 sounds about right (Labour costs approx �50 per hour).
What car are you asking about, give us all details or you will only get guesses.
Thats �84 plus VAT. Take off say 3/4 hours labour if he was Mr Speedy- �37.50 you are left with �46.50 for the sparks and a lead. I think it's about right - I think it's called The Joys Of Motoring !!

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spark plugs / lead

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