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Car theory test

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Maggoty | 11:27 Thu 08th Mar 2007 | Motoring
4 Answers
Can you do your car theory test prior to your 17th Birthday? Cheers


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You have to have a provisional driving licence to take the theory test.

You can apply for this no earlier than 3 months before your 17th birthday.

You can then book your theory test - but you must be 17 to take it. So the very earliest is your 17th birthday.
You can take a theory test as soon as you have a valid provisional licence, not as soon as you receive one. Which as Ethel stated can be three months before your birthday.

The earliest age a normal provisional licence for a car is valid is 17 unless you are receiving full disability allowance and in this instance it is 16.


Can I just point out that Ethel`s answer is perfectly correct.

Unfortunately dilligaf suffers from the common ABaffliction of jumping in to make a point without properly reading the the answers already given. It is usually the first to answer who suffers from this when they are in some an almighty rush to be first they give gobbledygook.

Just thought I`d make this point in the hope that members will take note and take time to digest before accusing someone of giving a wrong answer.
Perhaps JUGGLER you should be the one who reads questions AND answers before jumping in to criticise others.

I agreed with ETHELS answer.

She has always responded well to questions.

Perhaps your time might be better spent trying to help the questionaire rather than passing comments on others who are.

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