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peugeot gearbox problems

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dboulton | 17:49 Tue 08th May 2007 | Motoring
5 Answers
My son has trashed the gearbox on my 106 XND so I have replaced it with a 2 year old box from a reliable scrap yard. He is now reporting that the car jumps out of first and second. Any ideas??


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Tell your son to buy his own cars!!!!
buy your son a bus pass.
i had a 206 started jumping out of reverse gear . so I bought a second hand one from a scrap yard. it took hours to change it over. when I got it going again the second hand box had the same fault as the first one.
the faults were in the gearboxes, so scrapped thw whole car.
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check the linkage but 106s have weak gearbox syncrohubs if all else fails trade it in for a new one ,,,son that is

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