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propergomper | 20:41 Sun 08th Jul 2007 | Motoring
4 Answers
Which is more exact my car speedo or the speed reading on my sat nav?


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Its got to be the sat nav i think. Car speedos have moving parts and therefore i reckon they get out of sync easier.
A car speedo only needs to be 10% accurate by law.

Sat nav manufacturers don't have a vested interest in making you think a car is preforming better than it actually is.

I bet your sat naveis always reading a lower speed than your car speedo..... by about 10%
Speedometers can be 10 per cent out but they must not show a speed lower than the true speed. They are set to show a speed higher than the true speed so the sat nav will be the more accurate.
GPS manufacturers generally quote 0.1 mph accuracy on flat ground, at constant speed and direction for several seconds and with a good sat lock.

Most car speedometers will give an incorrect speed reading. The law states that a speedo must not read slower than actual speed but can read fast +10%+4km/h.

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