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headlamp change

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EEZABLADE32 | 21:28 Wed 27th Feb 2008 | Motoring
3 Answers
Is it still illegal not to change headlight bulbs for driving on the right when travelling in Europe Thanks


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Yes, it is still a legal requirement in European countries to change or block out the dipped section of our headlights. Having said that, I drove my truck for the best part of 3 years on the continent and never got stopped over it.
I haven`t driven in France for many years but remember even with headlamp beam deflectors fitted the Frogs with their yellow lights would angrily flash you on approach. With all the other EU traffic going through these days do they still have yellow h/lamps & do they still get the hump or have they become resigned to to the fact that the rest of the world likes to see where they`re going?
You no longer have to have yellow headlights in France. I think they changed the law about 10 years ago.

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