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lab1986 | 18:32 Wed 02nd Apr 2008 | Motoring
10 Answers
hi all
i need some help,i have just been flashed by a speed camera about an hour ago it was a yellow fixed speed camera,i was doing 38 in a 40 zone so y on earth have i been flashed????i did change lanes at the at some point about 50-100m b4 i got flashed but i just dont understand y i have been flashed im confused and very angry,is this a normal occurance?
thank you,ur help is apretiated.


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If what you say about your speed is correct, the camera is probably faulty/incorrectly set.

Fixed speed cameras use radar to determine whether a vehicle has passed at a speed greater than a preset value. If triggered, camera then flashes twice � it is this that is used to determine the vehicle speed. You should notice white markings on the road, just after the camera. Since the time interval between the camera flashes is constant, the vehicle�s speed can be determined by how far it has traveled between flashes (using the markings on the road).

I would suspect that you will hear nothing once those responsible realise that you were traveling at less than 40mph.
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hymie thnkyou for your answer,i feal so much better after reading it lol,i was defo doing 38 wich i y i was angry
i`ve been flashed, no tickets, they sometimes are random, so stress not

btw, i went out with a flasher once, found out in the local paper. nice

i dumped him
velvet lady ....

Was it the mac that was the attraction ?
Was another vehicle overtaking you at the time?
Hehe,, I wondered that Maxi... it might not have been Lab1986 who was snapped at all, but some speedo maniac in an adjacent lane..
Forgive me asking a stupid question, but was it actually a forty limit? I got flashed a few years ago in very similar circumstances and discovered that I had missed a 30mph sign which was buried in some trees which had overgrown it on the verge, just before the camera and before you could have come across any 40 repeater signs - half of which get nicked/vandalised round here any way.
or maybe your speedometer isnt accurate and you were doing more than 40?
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there was like a big bmw 4x4 with a trailer infront of me on the white lines at the time but the camera doesnt point at the white lines (the camera 4 some reason is b4 the white lines and facing the oncoming traffic wich confuses me) so the camera flashed me b4 i hit the lines wilste the 4x4 was actualy on the lines and may of been a mile or 2 over the speed limit
my flasher was called barry drain from colchester
wierd geezer

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