in normal conditions no. if you where to hold the brakes on put the car in drive and floor the throttle while still holding brakes on then when revs max out release the brake pedel on some automatics you may get wheelspin, but you may just as likely blow your gearbox or torque converter to bits so probably best not to try it (oh that and if your wheel spinning it is considered you are not in full control of your car and you will get prosecuted as such if your spotted by the police)
is your car back wheel drive or front hold the brake down rev her up an if the road is wet ul get a good spin if its front wheel drive hold the handbrake up as well dont be a granny let her at it
If the road surface is slipery and you dont have good tyres. Your almost certain to slip. But with good tyres and road surface nearly all gearboxes would give a smooth ride away. When you wheel spin your not in full control of the car. Save this for off road land in snow when you wont be in any danger to anyone but yourself.
there's lots of ways. depends on how much power your engine produces which way you'll be able to do it. with my 73 340 dodge dart and 67 dodge coronet r/t all i had to do was put it in drive and give it half throttle. the weakest of my cars, my 73 amc gremlin required quite a lot of abuse that i really wont get into here ;) lol! here's a simple one though, spray some tire shine, silicon, or oil on the tire tread then get in and let it rip. makes for veeeerrrry smoky burnouts! lol!!!