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dash lights

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lilee | 20:19 Thu 11th Sep 2008 | Motoring
3 Answers
i have a vectra just been serviced and new cam belt light on dash looks like car with spanner through stays on all the time is there anything i can do to make it go out have been told its a sevice warning light?


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i think this is right
put your foot on the brake
press and hold the speedometer button
turn on the igntion only not the car
a few things will flash and your speedo my go up and down when all this has stopped it should reset the service light
if im wrong im sure other ab's will correct me
With respect to the last answer, you may have to either bye a reset tool at a small cost or go into a local garage and ask them to reset the light., myself i do my own with a tool I purchased.
with respect to the last answer i had this problem i done what i said and it worked (no tool required)

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