I bought a test (pipet thingy) to check the concentration level of anti freeze in rad, but its rubbish, stuck the test in pure concentrare and it still only read -20, so it dont work! Bought Car Plan anti freeze (which is blue) but anti freeze in my rad is a nice lime green. I know there is another make of anti freeze, that has a colour chart on the back of the bottle, where i think it tells you green is good. I think i used that make last year? Any one know how else you can check for the right amount?
dont think the colour of it matters really, different brands etc. when I worked at Citroen theirs was green, but Volvos' was blue. just personal choice, all does the same thing.
just found out you are not meant to mix the colours, but i cant remember putting green antifreeze in last year, im sure it was blue, so how come i have green now (I dont know, i must have put green in!!!
Been told by a mechanic, that if you dip your finger in the rad liquid and it tastes sweet, then there is enough antifreeze in rad... i shall let my other half try!!
most anti freeze mixes, its just some of the upper end manufacturers specify a certain type but thats because its whats called a coolant rather than anti-freeze. The days of replacing a/freeze every year is long gone, most vehicles dont even have a drain in the rad like the old days, manufacturers a/freeze(coolant) can last up to 4-5 years or longer.
I don't believe the color matters much, however here where I live I use a 50/50 blend of antifreeze and distilled water. Your local auto parts store or local mechanic should have any answers to your questions.
You mention that the tester does not work in pure anti freeze. If i remember correctly pure anti freeze will freeze! It is only any good when mixed with water, in other words you can have too much in a system