pro`s and con`s in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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pro`s and con`s

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marie1234 | 02:33 Tue 05th May 2009 | Motoring
8 Answers
My daughter,27 is just about to take her driving test.Would she be better buying a banger for 12 months or spending more money and getting a newer(more reliable car) thanks for answers
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what sorts of budgets are you looking at? personally its always better to start low budget and work your way up. To start i would recomend a diesel as they are less responsive and the engines take a lot more flak from newbie drivers
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i agree with you ,but every time we go past a shiny car shop she starts trying to convince herself that newer would be better
Although she's 27, if she passes her test, it'll be her first lot of insurance, which, I would imagine on a newer car'd be higher for her.
Start off with a reliable older one, and then when she's fully confident about driving on her oiwn,m she can go for something better.
Go for an older car to start with. Find one with a low insurance group and insure it for "third party, fire and theft".
When she has gained a couple of years "no claims bonus" she could then buy a better car and insure "fully comprehensive". Financially that's the way to go.
Loads of good bargains to be had on the second hand market.

Make sure if you want inusrance to be as low as possible the car has to have an imobiliser fitted an alarm would also be a bonus, even though everyone ignores car alarms the insurance companies love them.
Third party is often as expensive as fully comp these days - it's not the damage done to her own car that is expensive, it is the potential damage she could do to the Porsche, Rolls Royce and mother and child crossing the road that makes insurance so expensive.

To keep insurance costs down have a high excess - as much as she can afford to pay out.

There are some good used car bargains out there but think about a new cheap car with free insurance for the first year. Those deals are still to be had. Look at a KA, or similar.
Definitely the banger!
Hi, as you know a new shiny car has to be paid for after the novelty wears off, the way the car prices are at this time It is a Byers market with the devaluation going down in car prices, She needs to start off with a 1100cc low tax bracket car this in-turn after 1 year will gain her a % of no-claims + the driving experience that the tear arss need ( No offence meant) with a low priced car of now in 12months the way the market is there is a chance that she will get double for a trade in as there a thousands of cars on the forecourts that the garages cannot move, tell to use her head not her bank account.

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