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Vectra 2007 brake lights staying on.

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mariaterisa | 16:53 Mon 11th May 2009 | Motoring
3 Answers
Engine management light on all the time and brake lights stuck on. Dealer said it was a fuse but it happened again after only 15 miles. They now saying it needs a new fuse box and we have to wait for a new one to be delivered and then they have to check all the fault codes are cleared. any advice welcome.


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First thing they should do is change the brake light switch, this could bring on the engine management light on, unusual to need a new fuse box!
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I know, which is why they are having to send to Vauxhall for a replacment. Apparently it is coming with 11 fault codes. No one has mentioned whether they have checked the brake light switch. The have apparently spoken to Vauxhall technical support and decided to change the fuse box. The car is only 16 months old and it has been off the road for 6 days with this fault!
Thanks for your answer.
Hi there i have exactly the same problem, ive been trying to fix for 3 months,i am at my whitts end did you find out what it was? please help

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Vectra 2007 brake lights staying on.

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