Anyone pass there tonight between 5.30 and 6.30 and spot a red peugeot parked on the southbound hardshoulder, with a woman in a long black coat standing over the barrier ? Well that was me and you didn't wave you swines!!!!
She's gotta catch me first...........and i'm off to the hammock in a mo.......just got in from pub quiz.....really piggin' hard tonight....suffice to say....our team did'nt win :0(
No it wasn't a flat battery apparently a plug lead was loose, my ex husband came and rescvued me. he only lives haf a mile from there. The man on the end of the phone I found in the orange box was really lovely though he watched me on camera and kept in touch on my mobile as it was snowing and very busy and dark, quite scary actually!! I was only 3 miles from home too!
Not at all, I travel the road 5 nights a week as part of the traffic, but to be standing there as the cars and lorries hurtled passed at 70+ mph just feet away was horrific, the man on the phone would not let me get back into the car and it was really snowing heavily, hence I've been zonked out for the past 3 hours trying to get warm!!
You know what they say dot - home is where the hearth is. I have only broken down once on the M3 following an ambulance - with my sister in it - to Hammersmith. That was in daylight but it was a horrible feeling. Thank goodness the garage who recovered me and the car were brilliant at sorting things out for me. You feel very small and insignificant waiting outside the car - not to mention vulnerable.
Well my red Peugeot is dead as well but it had the decency to die outside my house. The last time it died it done it outside the corner shop. So I just went in a bought a bottle of wine....