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fruitsalad | 20:50 Sat 27th Mar 2010 | Motoring
5 Answers
vauxhall astra first the battery light stayed on while driving then the airbag light keeps flashing on and off while driving then the engine management light came on once or twice then goes off any ideas what could be wrong? tia


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If the battery light stays on while driving it usually means that your alternator is not charging your battery and needs replacing.
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cheers for that robbo will have to get the alternator checked out then, would that also cause the airbag light and engine management light to come on and off?
Not sure about that but the I've had the same problem with the battery light. Check that your fan belt is tight as well.
Its what robbo966 has said as this happened on a family car recently with the same light as you coming on and off.
Don't drive it as your alternator is throwing out to much power it will wreck your battery and start blowing bulbs and other stuff..
my car the same and iv been told to book it in for an auto diagnostics sevice test to find the problem

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