Again in our area, Bad smash caused by speed, the driver, Boy racer that thinks he could Handel speed! Result car wrote off by himself, & pals survived. Is it not time that the penalty for these Idiots was an instant 1yr ban on return to the road only him/herself allowed in the car for a further 12months of driving, Stupid? think about it! at times these so-called drivers show off in front of there so-called mates. to drive a NON cooped up car & the car limited to 50mph with the throttle sealed by a garage, If found that the seal has been tampered with a further 12 ban, you may say that's a bit harsh? not as harsh than ending up in a box with flowers on the top & taking other innocent people with them, In case you think I am Anti young drivers I am not, what I am interested in is a safe run on the road & not meeting some heavy footed bloody idiot that has Sht for brains.
we have our share in my small town, one came around a T junction sideways nearly took my daughter out with her 2 kids (she was walking on the pavement), she rang the local plod who said there was nothing they could do until at least 2 people had complained !! I think back to when i first drove and yes i had my moments but then 35 years ago they were not quite the same high powered vehicles of today.
I work in the accident repair industry, a few years back some bright spark at Citroen decided to do 1 years free insurance on VTR & VTS saxos this then put them into the hands of new drivers, should of seen the carnage this created. Gave us loads of work but at least 50% were total losses and everyone a hard front or roll...needless to say Citroen dropped the free insurance pretty rapidly..