wouldn't have thought so - you may just have done a 3 point turn to park, for instance if parking was only on 1 side of the street - i always find it easier the reverse in if the drivers side is closest to the parking
No...normal street...normal parking. She just went up the wrong way to get the space and is now facing the wrong way. With traffic wardens as they are she is now worried she might get a ticket.
I would think so - I don't know, but if the street only allows one way traffic say South to North along its entire length and you are parked North to South at one point you must have been going the wrong way down the street, not only that when you pull away you will immediatly be going the wrong way and therefore be a hazard.
She may have had an elderly relative as a passenger who needed dropping off at the kerb-side..............so had to do a 3-point turn...........or something ;o)
I don't claim to know, but I'd have thought they could claim the wrong park direction as evidence that you had moved in the wrong direction down the one way street. Don't think I'd play games and give them the opportunity.
It would appear (another friend has been checking) that she can get a ticket and 3 points on her license. This is due to the fact that at some point she was going in the wrong direction.