If you pull into a carpark with number plate recognition but can't park up because all the spaces are full then you go back later on and park up still within the 3 hour time limit of the parking but under the one hour no return can you still be issued a parking ticket?
happened to me about 13 months ago, they sent me a notice, looked official! was not!, they said pay now costs £60 after one month £90, I searched the internet! took the advice not to contact them!........got another notice with a photo of my car entering the car park, again I ignored it!............Haven't heard another word!...best to ignore them, if you respond they will hound you, if you ignore it willl cost them too much to recover the money they charge!..............
Private car parks cannot issue fines. They send you an unenforceable invoice, and you do not have to pay. Council or police tickets are fineable offences and you MUST pay; private tickets are civil matters. You will probably receive three demands for money - ignore. Then maybe a debt collector's letter - ignore. Then most likely a letter from a scam company trading as Graham White Solicitors, threatening legal action - ignore. This is well documented in NazNomad's link. Do not be intimidated, you owe them nothing. Look at this definitive answer to your question kat
Additionally, you may receive a PCN which looks very much like a police PENALTY Charge Notice, when in fact it is really a PARKING Charge Notice and as I said earlier, an unenforceable invoice. Another ploy is to threaten bailiffs. Bailiffs can only visit you if ordered to by a magistrate. Considering that Private Parking Companies never do court, that is not going to happen. Just relax, ignore anything and everything you may receive in the post. It is a scam.
Private parking firms can and do take people to court for not paying their invoices.
By parking in the carpark you enter into a contract, if you overstay or have not paid you are in breach of contract and they can take you to court and several people have been done for it.