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Oh YES ... How Cool Is THIS !!!!!

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joggerjayne | 09:05 Sat 19th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
45 Answers

Glass sided bath tub, with bubbles and headrests !!!

Can you find anything more desirable than that ?


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mmmm! headrests look a bit uncomfortable..........bit too modern for sqad´s liking.......

but ..yes......if that is the only one going then I might indulge.
"Can you find anything more desirable than that ?"


It dont work for me!! A bit kinky I think.
chuck your top link is to the same thing as jjs.
Kinky, Really???

Wow, if you think a glass sided bath is kinky then you've led a very sheltered life!
Yes, molly, it was meant to be.

I am more of a "wet tee shirt"," Molton Brown" man for him and her myself.
ugh, being able to see me through the side of a bathtub would not be cool at all. Friend of mine once went to visit Alice Rawsthorn, who was boss of the design museum in London and a great trendsetter, and was horrified to find she had a glass fridge. Imagine being able to see last year's mustard buried at the back, yuk.
it's possible to get glass stairs. just imagine running down them to answer the front door after getting out of glass bath. ooooh!!!!!
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wearing glass slippers, I suppose; there is literary precedent for this.
redh i went to uni with a girl called yellow helen - any relation?
Slightly more jaundiced sister maybe?
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Im with Sqad on this one. mean just you and me in that shower together?
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sqad ...

I already have a glass shower like that, except it's a corner unit.
JJ...what was your address again?
Can you imagine trying to keep it looking clean?

(Particularly with the very hard water we have here)

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