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Road rules

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i was told by sombody that before the mid-sixties, the national speed limit (in britian ) was 80mph and then was lowered to 70mph on motorways and dual carriageways and 60mph on all other roads (...
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ive recieved a notice of intended prosecution and ive read up on it that says it must be signed by the chief constable or printed. on my ticket it is printed by the supervisor on behalf of the chief...
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if you manage to stop at the traffic lights on the sensor and the camers flashes will you still be prosecuted ?
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what is the proper action to take when an emergency vehicle is behind you on a single road with no oncoming trafffic? can you indicate and turn off to the right to get out the way and leave the road...
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Am I right in saying that farm traffic should pull over every so often to let the other vehicles pass? If so, for how long can they slow you up before they are obliged to pull over?
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A friend of mine bought a car off someone he was working with. Soon after, the man left the place of work and couldnt be contacted. My friend never received the MOT or the log book , even though it...
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My car failed the MOT 2 weeks before the actual end of MOT year so i started hunting for a car and put my "old" car on SORN. I'm hoping to sell my old car to a scrap merchant or anyone wanting it for...
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On 19/09/08 I passed my driving test, which entitles me to drive cars in categories B, B1& fkp. I am 23 years old. Are there any driving jobs I can do, or do employers legally require you to have...
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Hi i was pulled over by the police the other day and the officer gave a very poor excuse for pulling me over however thats not the case. I bought my bike off privately and the current owner told me...
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When overtaking on dual carriage/motorways I just check on my mirrors but a driving instructor friend of mine recommends a half glance over the shoulder as well.Any comments please.
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My girlfriend said she thinks she has gone through a red light today, i've gone back with her to the lights and there is no enforcment camera and she wasnt pulled over by the police, however that area...
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The other day i turned left at traffic lights not realising it was no left turn. I think i saw something flash, does anyone know if there was a camera that could get me for this? and if there is what...
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You know when you want to pull out of a junction but there is a car blocking you from pulling out, I was wondering if there isn't a 'keep clear' notice painted on the road are you still supposed to...
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I was involved in an accident, I was pulling away at a roundabout with the sun blinding me, as i pulled away i did not see a cyclist whom i hit, The cyclist was not injured and did not go to hospital,...
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Two incidents have occured in the last 12 hours which nearly resulted in the death of at least two people. (1) At 10pm last night I was waiting for the lights to change to green at a crossroads. As is...
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i was stopped last night by a police man. he said i was driving a bit fast. i sed "oh i didnt realise". nufin more was said about the speed. he then asked alot of questions and was...
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On 28/04 I was involved in a bump at a roundabout. There are 3 lanes coming from a dual carridgeway & two exits. There was a queue in the LH lane, I was in the middle lane indicating left, checked for...
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Okay.. i was driving down a road that i drive down every single day and i know full well there is a speed camera on it! I am 110% positive that i was doing 30mph before anyone asks, i saw a flash in...
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Does anyone know of a website which lists speed limits on roads? In particular, I wish to know the speed limit on the B3075, Corfe Road, Stoborough in Dorset.
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When you have an accident the insurance company does not claim ownership of the damaged body panels, nor when a car is written off do you inform the DVLA of transfer of ownership to the insurance...

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