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Driving licence renewal

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jaycee401 | 09:26 Mon 14th May 2012 | Road rules
14 Answers
My licence needs renewing on the 11th June, but I am due to get married on the 16th, so I dont really want to have to pay 2 x £20 for the sake of a few days, is there any way round this, I was wondering whether to send it all off and fill in the form with my married to be name and enclose a letter explaining my situation and that I will post wedding cert to them...


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I would phone the DVLA.
You dont need to renew your driving license just because you're getting married, only if you're moving into a new house afterwards
You can wait until after all is said and done should you wish to change your name
You can also renew it online if you have a passport that has been renewed within the last 5 years
apoligies, of course you cant do it on line if you change your name

You can still wait until after you're married though
You don't have to pay for just a change of name on a driving licence.

So send it off for renewal and then send it off again a little later for the name change and it won't cost you any more.
Do the DVLA notify you when it needs renewing or is it up to you to check?
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Ive had a D798 application form from the DVLA stating my photocard driving licence expires as midnight on 11th June.
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thanks folks, so i can send it now and then just change my name for free once married? many thanks
Hmmm, I apologise, I may have been wrong, I was sure updating details such as name was free, but from the website.

"When applying to change your name or address on your driving licence, if you have lost your paper licence or any or both parts of your photocard licence, and or wish to renew your photo, the fee is £20."

So it seems it will cost you twice, which is a bit of a pain!
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:( ok thanks
Chuck - I read that as meaning it's only £20 to change your name if you need a new photo too - otherwise it's free ?
It's not very clear is it...

I've just located a copy of the D1 form on line and that states on it that change of details such as name is in fact free. (so I was correct the first time and then un-corrected my self :))
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yep just read the link lol, cheers!
is having a few days expired licence such a terrible crime? what is the penalty?
if you explained the situation would they accept that?

i mean its not as though you are suddenly unable to drive properly at the stroke of midnight is it?

perhaps, as with tax discs, there is a 'grace' period in which they will let you off in the unlikely event you would be questioned on it.
I renewed mine 2 weeks after the deadline, thankfully there was no problem....other than my forgetfulness :S

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Driving licence renewal

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