My friend was flashed by a fixed speed camera south of Le Harve. Will she recieve a fixed penalty fine. Are the french entitled to the info held by the DVLA etc?
I believe the french have access to all DVLA info, so your mate is knacked. Still if they were riding a scooter they would have probably blended in a bit more and would not have set off the camera!!!!
Why on earth would anyone want to ride a scooter when you can ride a proper bike: nothing I like more than seeing a little hairdryer rapidly disappearing in my side mirrors!!!!!!
Kempie - I'd certainly like to think so - being a cyclist does make me slighly more paranoid about other road users than I think I would be were I not a cyclist, so I certainly hope this reflects in my motorcycle riding and car driving, although I guess only other road users could judge me on this!