Speeding.... in The AnswerBank: Law
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slocjo | 16:34 Sun 30th Jun 2013 | Law
18 Answers
Hi. I did put the headline on the motoring section, but got another question to ask...but just to let people know 1st what I had done....Got caught speeding by a unmarked police car with a hand held speed gun doing 64mph in a 40 zone, the road is a fast road about 1 mile long, but the question I am going to ask is. There are no speed camera signs along the road in question, can they sit in a side turning doing that catching people out?? without signs?? I am sure I read somewhere that they can,t, could be wrong...(just to let you know have,nt got summonds yet) advance thanks..
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Yep, they can - and you were speeding, they don't need to warn you, you shouldn't be speeding.
See it happen quite often round here.
One man's 'catching people out' is another man's 'enforcing the law'.

Yes, they can.
>>>> just to let you know have,nt got summonds yet

.... so how do you know you were clocked at 64mph - or did you just check your speed when you realised you'd been clocked ??
You say "Doing 64mph in 40mph zone"
You were speeding at 24mph over the limit,which you admit.
Do you consider yourself above the law,simply because you were'nt given advanced warning of police action in that area ?
The Police (and other enforcement agencies) do have a code of practice for speed traps (aka 'mobile safety cameras').

This involves proper advance signage and conspicuous positioning of the camera vehicle. The idea is that they are there as a deterrent/reminder as well as for enforcement.

There is, however, no legal requirement for them to follow this code - and increasingly they don't.

You can be nicked whether or not the code is being correctly followed or completely ignored/flouted - you are committing an offence and that is basically that.

Revenue targets seem to outweigh the need to 'do the most good' ...
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daftgrandad. No you don,t get what I mean, yes I am wrong by doing that speed...it was a question I was asking do the speed camera signs have to be up? NOT CAN I GET AWAY WITH IT!!!!
No, they don't.
In a nutshell,no and please don't shout.
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Thanks guys for the info....
Only permanent speed cameras have a sign , you were caught on a temporary one.
Shouldn't be the case Eddie - *all* camera installations are supposed to adhere to the code of practice - as I said before, this is because they are supposed to be a deterrent/reminder as well enforcement.

But they don't play fair - because they want/need to catch people to raise revenue - which is wrong. But hey, they make the rules, so they can break 'em.

[ and yes "if you stick to the speed limits you don't get trapped" - but who in this world is perfect? ]
Jeez, over sixty in an under forty,

whether or not they prosecute - you have to change your behaviour
They have to inform the public when and where there are going to be mobile speed cameras, they just don't have to tell where the info is posted. this is were the tell you in Notts.
Sorry forgot to add the link
"The road is a fast road"

No, it's a road with 40mph speed limit.
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gizmonster... police stopped me & showed me that the speed gun recored 64mph, gave me a ticket & hear from them in the post at some point..
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hopkirk..Yes I know mate 30 in a 30, 40 in a 40 etc. I keep telling my kids not to speed, look what I have done.....I should know better..

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