// Sorry to be harsh, but steer well clear of any woman with children who is involved in any way with Social Services.//
bit of a value judgement there and no law
well I think you are all wrong and I think he [TC] has a right to see -what is written about him. That was the question wasn't it ?
so - no 1 get the social's address from the girlfriend and write saying you are anxious to answer any questions raised concerning your own behaviour
write a separate letter saying
Data access request
Please supply me with copies of documents that mention my name John John Smith. Please process this request within the statutory time limit. If I have sent this to another person beside the data controller please send it onto him
and wait ....
then in the absence of a reply - ask for a reply
go down their compaints path
and then contact the Office of the Information Commissioner
and you get something like this
Note that Thunderchild's issue is a data access request so could be a different species
but they are virtually the same
the big thing is whether the soche is above the law and my view is that they arent - be careful to bear in mind the social's concern is with the child and not with TC - and the confidentiality argiument they will undoubtedly duck behind does NOT apply to TC concerning his own documents
good luck
give em hell TC !