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Query Parking Ticket

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kaw69 | 12:43 Sun 10th Jul 2016 | Civil
10 Answers
My sister had an appointment at the local hospital and all the parking spaces were full so she looked for off site parking and was willing to walk, on a side road there was a grass verge so she parked her car about 2 foot away from the kerb so her car was not on the carriageway causing an obstruction, there were double yellow lines on the road but as her car was totally off the road she thought it was ok but when she got back there was a parking ticket on the windscreen. Should she contest the ticket or is there some law that the carriageway extends beyond the kerb?
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12:53 Sun 10th Jul 2016
Who issued it?
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Local council
Yellow lines apply to the pavement/verge as well as the road
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Thanks PP15 went on your link seems it covers from middle of carriageway to fence, hedge, building etc
Sis will have to pay.
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As has been said, double yellow lines are enforceable across the road, the verge and the pavement. They are really hot on it where I love along with people who park too close to junctions or where there are double white lines in the middle of the road. No harm in contesting it, but I doubt if you will win.
posser isnt it?
I got one yesterday at the Eye Hospital so I sympathise ( but draw the line at paying for you )
It is worth appealing it. I got a ticket for parking in a loading bay. I appealed and got off with it.

I did have a genuine reason for parking there.
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