A Lot Of Stick
The young, elderly, over 70s, women, get some stick regards their driving manner, no matter what you say regards the youngsters they may not have the Experience but have quick reaction times, your area will be the same as mine, every so often a young driver killed due to speed! why? is it showing off in front of the passenger mates? I'm certain it is, I must be an odd ball, why, I was once asked to speed by a fellow passenger I replied, if you dont like my driving get out, nothing else was said, i totally agree with the Insurance Black box that monitors their driving, I also think that any young person that has just passed his / her test should have this Box installed & there for a 2 year period, that length of time should give the driver some experience of road acts, the test needs to be reformed in a lot of ways never mind checking the oil etc, it should include an hour showing bad driving, the outcome of bad driving, the injuries / deaths / the families reaction, with respect to the very elderly, they should be tested on their eyesight, ability, reaction, would be interesting to know your views.