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Good Morning Again Early Birds…

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Smowball | 06:31 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

Well after a horrendous few days in bed where I've lost complete track of day/time vomiting & with blinding headache I seem to finally be over it, tho feel as though I've been run over!( fabulous diet tho I wouldn't recommend it!)It completely wrecked my planned trip to Devon - I couldn't even stand up, let alone get on a train! V upset about it but absolutely nothing I could do. Have spoke to son & agreed to reschedule asap. 

Looked at the news for first time in days and seems to be full of Trump getting 'shot' at his rally. Whether a real weapon or not, quite how anyone got past all the security, everyone standing round him & the crowds etc god knows!

And for the sporty amongst us today is men's final at Wimbledon, followed this eve by England v Spain in the EURO final. Not sure of our chances but good luck to them!

Whats everyone got planned for today then?





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'Morning Snow and those who follow - so glad to hear you are feeling better - must have been a nasty bug.  Today will be lazy .. watching Men's Singles Final and rooting for Alcaraz ...  the footie later   ...  good if England win for UK. x

Morning Smow.  Glad you're so much better.  Boring day for me, same old, hope everyone has a more exciting Sunday

Good morning all. Smow, I'm very glad you're beginning to recover. What bad luck to delay your Devon trip. Hope you're feeling strong enough soon. We're driving back from a sunny, if chilly, Cornwall today after celebrating three family birthdays. Not looking forward to the Stonehenge crawl.






Oops Cornwall crept in twice.

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Ahh morning guys. Yep you can plan to the final detail and then boom, something like this happens!

I read that yesterday the men's doubles at Wimbledon was won by a British guy and a Finnish guy - only the 3rd male Brit to ever win the title. Looked to have been a real nail-biter!

Good to know you're feeling better Smow Xx I don't follow tennis but good to know.. you post about some footie thing🤔

Morning Smowball. Good that you are healing. Sunny at the moment, tea at Osborne house later, may visit the grandchildren later. Wish all a pleasant day.

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Morning guys, yes this footie thing is apparently  on at about 8pm ; )

Though I was stunned to see a copy of a letter doing the rounds in the schools giving permission for all children to come into school late tomorrow if they've been up late cheering their country on!! 

Good morning everyone.Brrr,what a terrible summer we are having up here in Aberdeen.The thermometer has barely risen above 15c all year.Today it is cloudy,cold,damp and dreich."Global warming"?Aye,right.

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Aberdeen sounds much like everywhere, dreadful! Most people I know have been putting their heating on in the evenings - in July! We truly aren't going to even notice Autumn as it won't be any different to what it is now,

Smow... I've read about that too.. but what are they going to learn. I think quantum mechanics will be farthest from their minds

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Morning Arksided - true! I guess it gives the teachers an hour extra in bed before turning up to cope with the little darlings lol.

I wouldn't be able to cope and I consider oneself a loving man

got family round for BBQ ,it's our 51st anniversary  ,then  they will be watch footie while i serve the drinks lol x

Morning, pleased you're feeling better, smow.

Morning all. It a dull day for us today both weather and activities  wise

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Oh Happy Anniversary Mallyh!! x

Glad you're on the road to recovery Smow.
Noy much going on here at all, will take myself out for lunch later, have a good day all.


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 Morning ferlew. Anything in particular you fancy for lunch?

Congratulations Mally happy Anniversary for you both Xx Keep serving them... I'm sure they love you for doing so.

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