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pedestrian crossing

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hubby514 | 20:55 Sat 31st Mar 2007 | Road rules
16 Answers
having stopped to allow people to cross, no more people around, can you continue, with caution, with the lights still on RED.


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no,you must wait for the lights to go to flashing amber,then green.,by the way pedestrian crossings dont have lights,but i know what you mean
Have you passed a driving test? Any red light means stop and also means stay stopped.
God help us if this is a serious question.
What are you on about NORMAN? There are various pedestrian crossings wi lights Pelican, Puffin and Toucan for example. What annoys me is when folk press the buttons for mischief and traffic has to stop.
a ordinary pedestrian crossing, does not have traffic lights my friend,the ones you have mentioned are exactly what you said they are,pelican,puffin,etc,but not pedestrian.
Sorry Norman - A pedestrian crossing does have lights (as in traffic lights) A "Pedestrian Crossing" is just that - a crossing that a pedestrian can use (with the exception of a Toucan as cyclists can use these too) and are classed as Pelican, Puffin etc.

Only Zebra crossings do not have lights (traffic lights) - just flashing Amber Beacons

Norm is wrong again. A pedestrian crossing is a any place where pedestrians can cross and there is some control over traffic.

Norm is refering to a zebra crossing which does have lights called belisha beacons.
Ah leave Norman alone, he's old dont ya know (well in dog years he is!!) Hiya Norm, just getting you back for saying i was a basket case hehehehehe x
Ah... so Pelican crossings are for pelicans then? I live and learn...
well,i live and learn,as far as i was concerned zebra and pedestrian are the same,and as you say have flashing belisha beacons,the other crossings,ie pelican,etc,have traffic light style lights.anyhow,never mind as curlyperm says im getting old,bus pass time soon.
There's loads of different ones now, all wi animal names. I've just read that the first controlled crossings were tried out in 1962 and were called Pandas-HONEST!!!!
Pelicon comes from PEdestrian LIght CONtrol

Toucan comes from TWOCAN (pedestrians and cyclists) can cross together

Puffin is Pedistrian User Friendly INterface

And Pegasus is for both pedestrians and horse riders, with two sets of controls, one higher for the horse rider. Of course, Pegasus is the winged horse.

All of which control traffic by traffic lights.
Well, I find it interesting. :)
Thanks ethel for that somewhat useful information. That's why I take just use my car for work and leave my horse in the driveway. There just aren't enough Pegasus crossings where I live!
u may as well drive blindfolded , take an educated guess? red means stop plus you will receive a fine when the camera above the traffic light gets u
NO you would be going through a red light and could trigger the red light camera also someone could come running accross the crossing out of knowware then your in troubble.

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