my pet hate also. how did they pass there test with-out indicating. too lazy to move 1 finger up or down an inch thats if they are holding the steering wheel and not phoning, texting, reading, eating, putting make-up on or smoking,
What about those who ARE indicating (right) so you wait and give way to them, then they turn off at the exit road you're on, while still indicating right ? B**T*RDS !!
We have had all this before, Matheous and it seems to be nearly everyone's pet hate ( except BMW drivers !)
These selfish people take advantage of other people's correct signalling to move onto roundabouts, but don't extend the same courtesy to others. Some even go through 360 degrees at speed then wonder why they get black looks, or worse ! I hate 'em.
I used to work with somebody (not too bright) and I asked her why she never indicated at roundabouts - her answer " I dont need to because I know where I am going" - so now you know
You know -I can't help thinking now when I'm driving through a roundabout and drivers ARE indicating......Have they been on AB and seen this posting????