parking fine in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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parking fine

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dustypuss | 16:26 Sun 22nd Jul 2007 | Motoring
9 Answers
hi I have just incurred a parking fine for parking in a disabled parking bay. for not displaying a disable parking badge. I was with my 80 year old mother who had forgotten to take the badge with her . this was a private shoping center run by a private parking firm . I have wrote a appel to them to waver this fine . my question is what would happen if i just chose to ignore and not pay the fine do you think this firm would pursue ine and take me to court.
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Almost certainly. Thats how they make their money. If the appeal doesn't work, pay up...it's cheaper in the long run.
Pay up - the conditions are that the badge must be displayed.

Without the badge it is impossible to prove that the person holding the badge was present.

If you ignore it, it will be chased up.

If you forget your mother's badge in future, drop mother off close to the entrance and park in a non - disabled parking space.

i have had this a couple of times in the past,all i did was send a letter and a photo copy of my mothers badge and explained that the badge had slipped off the dashboard onto the floor and i was sorry but was parked legally and that if they were to proceed,i would gladly go to court to explain this,it allways worked for me.
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thank you all I going to fight this to the hilt . I let you know the out came in a few weeks
Further to Normans answer I did the same and also asked if the warden looked at the tax disc which has stamped on it Disabled.

I won the appeal.
Before you fight it to the hilt, check if the parking company in question take a photo when they issue the ticket: most do now, because so many people tell the story that the badge or ticket fell off the dash.

If they can produce a picture clearly showing no badge, then you're on a hiding to nothing...having 'disabled' on the tax disc won't wash either if the terms of parking are that you must have the blue badge or disc on display.

If on the other hand they havn't got a picture then you may get lucky.
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just though i let you know what happened . I sent my appeal with a SEA on the 22/07 . I've not had a reply from them they said that i would hear within 28 days it well over that now . I think I've got away with it fingers crossed.
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I got my SEA back this morning stamped appeal successfull charge waived. bottle of wine for me to night.thanks to you all.
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