aaahhh...found more info.....With changes in policy to make cameras more visible, more effort and resources are being put into mobile units.
Mini-Gatso : Similar to the Static Gatso but much smaller are operates out of the back of parked car, van or tripod mounted so is not easy to spot. Very accurate.
Mobile Gatso : Take the form of the Grey Box type statis camera but sit on a trailer type base with wheels that can be moved from place to place to prevent motorists from slowing at a know point.
Teletraffic : Police camera teams use this as a vehicle based system which can be set up to detect speeding traffic from a distance of upto a mile using laser technology. The device is aimed on a vehicle number plate and which is then recorded on video film with the associated speed. Often seen on Motorway bridges.
Handheld Radar : Typically used by an out of view roadside officer, who will take a reading and then another officer will pull you over. With a 500M range, all radar systems are virtually instantaneous in reading, some only take a reading every second but that is instant.
Limitations : Works better on larger vehicles rather than motorcycles and small steamlined cars.