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Avoiding A Parking Fine Could Cost Your Car

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Motorists could face having their vehicles clamped or seized if they run up three or more outstanding parking tickets.

The Department of Transport (DoT) says that it is being forced to consider the drastic measures to make reluctant drivers cough up. It is also considering a national parking fine database, which could trace car owners across the country.

The powers are similar to those that have now been brought against untaxed drivers and those without motor insurance. These have been seen to be getting results; hence, the similar measures for parking fines.

There are estimated to be around 100,000 drivers on the UK with three unpaid tickets to their names, and approximately half of those are said to live in London.

"Drivers who continually flout parking rules are often those that are driving without motor insurance, driving without tax, driving cars that have not been registered with the Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency, or travelling in unroadworthy vehicles," commented a DoT spokesman.

"We are looking at a number of options, including the possible clamping of cars of offenders. But no decisions on the best way forward have yet been made."

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