Crosswords30 mins ago
How can I buy a personalised number plate?
Even in these tough economic times motorists are looking to bling out their cars in the most imaginative ways possible. One of the preferred methods of blingifying your car would be to get a custom number plate, availble through many different means.
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) is the place to go if you want to make your motor stand out. You can also check a few websites that have already purchased certain number plates, allowing you to browse the availability easily.
Most people who change their number plate user an imaginative combination of numbers and letters to spell out a name or word, for example:
"M4RK" would reperent "Mark", and "L0U153" would represent "Louise".
People wanting to apply can do so over the phone or online and prices usually start at around £245. Prices for "rarer" number plates can be a lot more. It has been suggested that the registration "GT40" is worth tens of thousands of pounds.
An assignment fee is included in the price, which DVLA charges to add the number to a vehicle.
Usually, around six auctions take place a year, where about 1,500 plates are up for grabs. These events are normally advertised in the press or on the net, so it can be worth keeping an eye on the DVLA website.
Once purchased, a certificate of entitlement – also known as a V750 – is awarded, which details the new number, who bought it and when its assignment will end.
It certainly makes a change from young people adding poorly stuck-on aerofoils, tacky paint-jobs and sub-par body kits to their cars. The custom number plate is not only a sign of affluency and class, it is a statement that you are considerably cooler than anyone else on the road.
Extra charges can be applied for each year you want to keep the plate.
Some firms can also offer to arrange transfers – using a search engine can help you locate the plate you want and trade with the current owner.
Whatever you choose to change your number plate to – be it the name of partner, pet or a statement of your personality – they can be seen as a great way to express individuality.