Business & Finance2 mins ago
The ABC Of Road Safety For Motorists
Although the number of road accidents has decreased by 14%, with 2,500 people killed compared to the highest recorded number of 8,000, motorists should still be aware and alert of the dangers of driving.
The rules of the road are simple, drive safely and cautiously ensuring your and other motorists safety. However this isn’t always the way things work.
Driving can be a risky business at the best of times, with a large number of people dying each year - so hazards such as darkness, rain, fog, ice and dazzling sunshine only add to the danger. As long as motorists take extra care when driving in more difficult conditions, risks can be minimised and the chances of a crash halved.
The main contributory factors of road accidents have been revealed as inattention, making up 25.8% of a survey, failure to judge other motorists path or speed made up 22.6%, looked but did not see, 19.7%, reckless or careless behaviour, 18.4%, failed to look was 16.3%, lack of judgement, 13.7% and finally excessive speed 12.5%.
Motorists need to be aware of their driving behaviour as well as pay attention to other motorists. Road rage is a common problem on UK roads, with motorists getting so wound up behind the wheel they cannot contain their anger and end up taking it out on other road users.
One way to avoid road rage behaviour is by keeping a safe distance between you and fellow motorists, people tend to get touchy when someone is driving too close behind - and this is one of the most common causes of accidents, as people don’t have enough space to break and end up in the back of the vehicle in front.
Motorists assume that road rage always happens on the roads; however this is not always the case. Motorists who cut another driver up while parking can be problematic and can lead to major disagreements. By thinking about the consequences before having a go at someone for cutting you up or ‘stealing’ your space, you could avoid unnecessary confrontation.
Driving safely is all about making the safest possible choices. Peer pressure plays a big part in young drivers risking their lives while driving dangerously in order to show off to their friends. Motorists not wearing their seatbelts is also a problem amongst young drivers, who think they are invincible on the roads. New legislation is cracking down on motorists who don’t follow the correct precautionary measures; drivers will now receive a fine double the amount as before in a bid to reduce car accident casualties. The fixed penalty fine for failing to wear a seatbelt for adults whether they are the driver or passenger has increased from £30 to £60.
Motorists should see that one single road accident is defined as a disaster, not an acceptable part of our daily lives.
- K.J.N -