Crosswords1 min ago
The Girly Road Trip Guide...Journey
Girls buckle up for the experience of a lifetime. Planning your road trip can be just as fun as actually being on it. These tips will ensure you are geared up for a good old fashioned road trip with a modern twist, Thelma and Louise style.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step:
Tip #1: Step one, have a plan. Map out your trip and get directions to exactly where it is you’re going. Girls are professionals when it comes to internet shopping so it shouldn’t be difficult to check directions on the internet using one of the popular websites like MapQuest, Yahoo or Google Maps. If your road trip is spanning over a few days then take some time out to plan where you can stay along the way, and reserve a hotel, Travelodge or even a hotel spa, if you know you are going to want to get pampered after a long day of driving.
Once you have all your directions and reservation info then make sure you keep them in an envelope together so you know where all the important documents are. You can get some really nice bright coloured document holders, so why not treat yourself to one that matches your handbag? A little planning won't spoil the spontaneity; it will just be a great back-up to help you enjoy your trip.
Tip # 2: Listen to great tunes. A journey isn’t complete without music to keep you entertained. So make sure you have some mix CD’s ready or make a Road Trip Playlist on your iPod. You may have different music tastes so variety is good to keep everybody happy. A good bit of old school is always a favourite to sing along to while drifting down the motorway.
Tip #3: Prepare your own food. If you prepare ahead and make food to suit all those picky eaters (you know who you are!) then you won’t give into temptation and take a pit stop at a junk food service station. Inevitably this will take you well over the daily calorie allowance ladies and will put a limit on the cocktails later, so planning ahead is vital!
Tip #4: Take turns and play nice. When on a road trip you should always follow the rules of the road and delegate various driving tasks out. This isn’t a democracy it’s a chick-ocracy so make sure you take turns and use each other’s strengths. So if someone has a good sense of direction let them play navigator. If someone is good with math’s put them in the hot seat with deciding where to eat on a budget, and so on.
Everyone should probably take turns driving, unless someone is not a great driver, in that case, this person can be the assistant to the driver. You should take note that this isn’t the same as assistant driver; this job requires you to assist in anything the driver requires. If I were you I’d brush up on my driving skills, opening crisp packets and drinks all day long can get tedious.
Tip #5: Take pictures. You don’t have to remind girls to have their camera’s at the ready, there is always a photo moment just around the corner, or just around the bend. They say a picture holds a thousand words so stop talking and start snapping. And remember a journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.
Tip #6: Be safe. This is an obvious tip but still important to make sure you let people back home where you’re going and staying so they can keep in touch if your phone runs out of battery (which is bound to happen to someone). Getting the car checked out before you leave for your trip is essential so you know it’s ok and ready for action. Again sticking to the rules of the road will also make your trip easier and keep you from getting a big speeding ticket, or any other kind of "official" trouble.
Girls you are now ready for an adventurous road trip, but remember although it is good to have an end to a journey; it is the journey that matters, in the end. So enjoy the trip and take as many photos’ as you can. A picture holds a thousand memories so stop being preoccupied with the destination and enjoy the journey.
-K.J.N -