With the nights getting darker and the weather getting colder winter is certainly upon us. Some of us have Christmas parties and visiting to look forward to and as every woman knows it is important to look your best even in winter.
However, a website dedicated to female driving has warned women of the hazards of driving in winter. They mention particularly the dangers of wearing fancy party shoes whilst behind the wheel and recommend taking a pair of sensible shoes with ‘grippy soles’ to change into. Many ladies shoes have slippery soles that may slide off the pedals when wet not to mention those with high heels and how this can make it difficult to feel the pedals and can even get stuck.
Other recommendations include keeping shopping bags out of site, always locking the car and make sure they park the car in a well lit area. In addition, the site also recommended that female motorists club together if they decide to go on a last minute shopping spree and get someone else to drive them between different shops.
Taking some cold remedy medicines can cause drowsiness so it is best to check the bottle before driving and never drive the morning after a Christmas party as they may still be over the legal alcohol limit.
General safety and security tips were also offered, such as keeping emergency supplies in the car in the event of a breakdown in the cold weather.
"Take a thermos flask with a hot drink or some soup in it, some energy-boosting snack bars and a blanket or two, just in case," the site suggested.
Have fun but stay safe!